
toronto foundation

Our crew is stuffed into a backroom in the CRC building in Regent Park. Out in the dining hall, the tension mounts as more and more hungry mouths wait for food to be served after a breakdown in the kitchen. We’re waiting to film Frances Deacon, a vibrant 92 year old woman who comes here to help serve food to people in need. Full stomachs make happier people, says the kitchen manager as he signals for us to continue waiting. Slowly the meals start landing on tables and we are let loose to begin filming Fran as she floats around the room welcoming everyone who’s come for a much needed meal.

This is just one small part of Fran’s story – a story that has led to her being honoured with the Spirit of Philanthropy award from the Toronto Foundation.

In partnership with writer and creative director Inna Gertsberg, I had the pleasure of directing, editing, and shooting the stills for this piece for the Toronto Foundation. Thanks to DP Dwain Barrick, producer Justin MacRae, and our entire cast and crew for all their hard work putting this together. 

Also checkout this alternate version we produced, edited by Sean Danby. Special thanks to Andy Mcleod. 

Graphite Stallions

Hold onto your seats ladies, and a few of you gents, the Graphite Stallions have arrived. I recently had the chance to shoot this campaign for the sassy start-up that hosts naughty art parties for bachelorettes and other functions. Thanks to Dan Cantelon, Marc Levesque and the folks over at TAXI 2 for the fun concept!

Frozen Niagara Falls

In the first few days of spring, it can be a little trying when you wake up to temperatures that feel as cold as -19 °C. Winter has overstayed it’s welcome here in Toronto. It’s not all bad though, as this year’s record cold season made for some spectacular ice forming around Niagara Falls. These shots were captured during one of the February deep freezes.